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~Our Sold Meat Does~


These are our Sold/Reference meat does. Our Boer meat does produce strong bone and thick bodied kids that are great for 4-H kids or to add to you breeding string. We have some heavy milking Dams that produce fast growing kids, We are trying to add more spots and paints to our Boer herd.


These are our Sold/Reference meat does. Our Kiko and Spanish meat does produce thick fast growing kid's with great parasite resistance and good maternal instincts with good milk production. There kids are a great addition to start any herd.

~Our Sold Dairy Does~


These are Sold/Reference dairy does.

Our Nigerian Dwarf does offer cute adorable kids and great milk. They make great backyard milkers with the highest butter fat in milk a goat can have or get a couple for your 4-H projects. 


These are Sold/Reference dairy does.

Our Nubian does produce heavy milk production just like whole milk and fast growing kids. They are a strong cornerstone on our farm, We are striving to add more and more spots in our dairy does.


These are Sold/Reference dairy does.

Our Alpine doe's are a big cornerstone of our farm. These does produce great looking dairy kids that have great udder attachment and who are heavy milk producers.

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